<p><p>&lt;p&gt;&amp;lt;p&amp;gt;Government Degree College Lakarai was established in 2004.It lies on the main road from Peshawar to Bajour. The building of the college is situated in the green field. Eastward from the main bazar of Lakarai.Degree College Lakarai the symbol of academic excellence in Tribal District Mohmand is rich in history.The College offers sport activities apart from academic activities so as to provide a healthy environment to the students.The teaching staff is highly qualified, sincere, honest, dedicated and professionally skilled.The teaching staff left no stone unturned to achieve the success for this college and meeting the challenges of 21st Century. The college is affiliated with University of Peshawar at Degree Level and with BISE Peshawar at Intermediate Level.&amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;&lt;/p&gt;</p></p>
Study Level
Program Seats
BS Computer Science
BS 04 Years
Associate Degree In Arts (Urdu, History, International Relations)
Associate Degree
Associate Degree In Arts (Political Science, Economics, History)
Associate Degree
Associate Degree In Science (Maths A, Statistics, Computer Science)
Associate Degree
Associate Degree In Science (Botany, Zoology, Chemistry)
Associate Degree