<p>&amp;nbsp;The Government colege of Managaement Sciences Lakki Marwat is working under the control of Directorate of Commerce Educaion &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; Management Sciences KPK Peshawar. It was first established in 1997 as Govt Commercial Training institure(GCTI) at Inter level and from time to time upgraded to degree and then at last to Posgraduate level. It is located in Lakki Township on Lakki-Bannu main road neard District Judiciary&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;nbsp; complex Lakki Marwat. Since its inception, it has been training hard to impart quality education in the fields of Commerce, Finance, management and IT to the poor and deprived students of this remote and bacward area. It is determined to leave no stone unturned&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;nbsp; to meet the future challenges and to achieve its goals.The college is offering admission in following Disciplines D.COm&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;2 years Bs Commerce 4 years DIT one year</p>
Dcom merit list
Date: Monday 30 Nov, -0001
گورنمنٹ کالج آف کامرس لکی مروت میں ڈی کام سال اول کے آن لائن داخلوں کا میرٹ ل...
Online Admission Notice
Date: Monday 30 Nov, -0001
, 1st Merit list ofD.Com P-I will be published on 31 August 2024.
Interview of 1st merit list will be on 2nd and 3rd September 20...
Study Level
Program Seats
BS Commerce
BS 04 Years
Computer Sciences
Diploma In Commerce
Diploma In Commerce (Short Hand)
Diploma In Commerce (Accounts)